Takako Hashimoto
Chiba University of Commerce, Japan
Akira Kusaba
Gakushuin University, Japan
Dave Shepard
University of California, Los Angels, USA
Tetsuji Kuboyama
Gakushuin University, Japan
Kilho Shin
Gakushuin University, Japan
Takeaki Uno
National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Index Terms—Twitter, Topic Transition Analysis, Micro Clustering, Time Series Analysis
It is common for events to produce large amounts of social media content, both reactions to an event and comments about various actors in the event. For example, in August 2019, a male employee of Kaneka, a Japanese company, requested leave after the birth of his child. Shortly after, his company transferred him to a new division, in apparent retaliation for the request. When his wife complained about the transfer on Twitter, a large number of Twitter users tweeted in support of the employee, which created a PR nightmare for Kaneka. The company’s poor response to the situation only worsened their image: they removed webpages describing their leave policies, and argued that their decision to transfer the man was justified. Such decisions only worsened their image in the public eye, and produced even more negative tweets.
As in the case of the Kaneka employee, one large overarching topic really consists of many small sub-topics, and it is possible to focus on one of the small sub-topics and lose sight of the overarching topic. Awareness of the many topics, and which serves as the origin of the other topics, is essential to understanding all facets of a topic. For example, when companies attempt to handle negative PR, they need to be aware of the original actions that triggered a negative public image, and later actions that improve or worsen their image.
Automatic topic transition detection has been a major area of research for the last ten years. Conventional methods based on latent topic extraction from high dimensional vector spaces such as LDA[Blei et al., 2003] can extract major topics, but operate primarily with coarsely-grained topics. Even versions of these methods modified to handle time series data are often too coarse to capture the emergence of these topics over time, or how individual users react to them. Conventional approaches focusing on tweets with specific keywords can analyze topics over time, but provide little insight into how people react to a topic.
Our previous work proposed a method for analyzing topic transition using micro-clustering, an approach that creates clusters smaller than those created by conventional clustering methods[Hashimoto et al., 2019a]. Building on that work, this paper proposes a method for understanding the progress of topics on Twitter. The novel contribution of this paper is to propose a visualization method for analyzing the transition of micro-clusters from tweets in each topic in a time series. This is a sort of “review process” that allows a human reader to examine a bursty topic. In our method[Hashimoto et al., 2019a], micro-clusters are extracted by our original technique [Uno et al., 2015,Uno et al., 2017] from millions of tweets. Each micro-cluster represents sub-topics such as diverse opinions about the topic, or smaller events within a larger event. After extracting micro-clustesrs, we observe each micro-cluster’s rise and fall over time, and therefore, topic transitions. Bursts emerge when many users tweet about a specific topic. Some offline behaviors accelerate the burst. Detecting the behaviors that cause the burst helps understand its origin, and can be useful for managing future actions.
Related Work
Time series topic analysis targeting social media has become an active area of research.
One type of approach uses word co-occurrence to track topic transition over time[Jin et al., 2017][Kwak et al., 2010].
These methods are useful for extracting dominant topics, but they do not have a fine enough resolution to distinguish subtle but important differences between, for example, a real and a fake subtopics, or differences among incompatible opinions in a topic. It is also difficult to extract a small amount of representative keywords showing the topic content.
A number of methods have been proposed to track topic transitions over time based on conventional topic extraction methods such as LDA and LSA. In these methods, topics are extracted on each window in a time series, and connected according to their similarities to track their transitions [Kitada et al., 2015,Fujino and Hoshino, 2014,Wang et al., 2012]. These methods characterize clusters with a set of keywords based on word occurrences, and high-frequency words tend to be extracted as keywords. Time-series LDA is, in fact, an active area of research [Yeh et al., 2016,Jaradat and Matskin, 2019]. However, topics in LDA are often coarsely-grained; LDA cannot produce a topic model with a large number of topics in a reasonable amount of time. Our method addresses these limitations because it works with finer-grained topics and does not involve training a model through Gibbs sampling.
We can extract keywords using conventional methods, but it is more difficult to make sense of them, since these conventional methods extract a few big clusters and many small clusters. A method such as TopicSketch[Xie et al., 2016] is one example: TopicSketch can handle high volumes of time series data efficiently, but the topics it produces are coarsely grained and bursty. This one, and similar methods, do not work well for producing a detailed picture of a large, complex topic because they tend to put small but interesting subtopics into one big topic. For example, if a rumor emerges as part of a larger topic, conventional methods will often produce a single topic about that rumor. However, while a rumor is circulating, there will be people retweeting the rumor, people commenting on the rumor, and people questioning that rumor. A conventional topic modeling method would group all of these into that one topic. Our method produces finer-grained topics which would separate each of these into their own clusters.
Regarding TopicSketch specifically, our method has two additional advantages. First, it is simpler to implement. Second, it would likely not be as vulnerable to the manipulations that the TopicSketch authors mention, which is that a spammer could create the illusion of interest in a topic. If a spammer were attempting, for example, to promote a music album, the spammer could inject a large number of tweets with the same content about that album. Our method would isolate those tweets into their own cluster, which would make them easier to filter out.
To address these problems, we propose an efficient method for detecting time series topic transition by micro-clustering. Especially in this paper, we propose the visualization method to analyze the transition of micro-clusters from tweets in each topic in a time series.
Proposed Method
Our basic technique was explained in our previous work[Hashimoto et al., 2019a,Hashimoto et al., 2019b]. This section briefly explains our technique, before introducing our new contribution: a visualization method for these topics that helps to detect the cause of the overarching topic (Figure 1).
Input Data and Morphological Analysis
First, we gather data by collecting tweets that include certain keywords.
As the input data (A), we group the tweets sequentially into fixed-length windows (e.g. half an hour) based on their timestamps.
We then create the sequence of
count matrices (B) using a morphological analysis technique,
that contains the words used in each tweet during each time period.
To segment tweets that may not have used spaces to delineate word boundaries, we employed the Japanese morphological analyzer, MeCab [Kudo, 2006].
time series matrices,
, are obviously sparse.
Tweet Counts Over Time
Then we count the number of tweets in each time slot. The graph (C) shows the progress of the number of tweets about the target topic. If the topic becomes popular, it should have several bursts. We explore the bursts sequentially, since earlier bursts may cause later bursts.
Graph Generation
Next, a similarity graph of tweets (D) is formed during the burst.
In the graph, each tweet in
is a node.
Next, tweets that have similar words are connected by edges.
To evaluate tweet similarity, we use the Jaccard coefficient [Jaccard, 1912], a measure for comparing the similarity of sets.
We set the threshold . If the Jaccard coefficient between nodes is larger than
, we add an edge between these nodes.
By changing the threshold
, we can control the form of the graph. A smaller
will produce a graph with more edges, while a larger
will produce a graph with fewer edges.
Micro-Clustering using Data Polishing
Our method uses a data polishing algorithm for micro-clustering (D) [Uno et al., 2015,Uno et al., 2017]. This section describes the data polishing algorithm briefly; for more information, please see the cited papers [Uno et al., 2015,Uno et al., 2017]. Micro-clusters are groups of data records that are related, but do not overlap. A set of micro-clusters should satisfy the following conditions:
- quantity (the number of micro-clusters found should not be huge)
- independence (micro-clusters should not be similar)
- coverage (all micro-clusters should be found)
- granularity (the granularity of micro-clusters should be the same)
- rigidity (the micro-clusters found should not change because of non-essential changes such as random seeds or indices of records)
In a graph, micro-clusters correspond to dense subgraphs, and non-edges in the dense subgraphs are ambiguities.
The procedure for data polishing for micro-clustering involves adding edges for these non-edges, and removing these ambiguous edges from the graph. Data polishing is emphasizing the structure by adding and removing edges.
For identifying these non-edges and edges, we consider the following feasible hypothesis.
If nodes and
are in the same clique of size
have at least
common neighbors. A clique is a subset of vertices of a graph such that every two distinct vertices in the clique are adjacent.
Thus, we have
, and this is a necessary condition that
are in a clique of size at least
. We call this condition k-common neighbor condition. If
are in a sufficiently large pseudo clique, they are also expected to satisfy this condition.
In contrast, if two nodes do not satisfy the condition, they belong to a pseudo clique
with very small probability. Even though they belong to a pseudo clique, they actually seem disconnected in the clique. Thus we may decide that they should not be in the same cluster.
is the collection of edges connecting node pairs satisfying the
-common neighbor condition, and the polishing process is the computation of
. We call this process
-intersection polishing.
To evaluate
-common neighbor condition, we also use the Jaccard coefficient.
We set the threshold
and if the Jaccard coefficient between nodes
considering their neighbors is larger than
, the edge is generated between them.
Maximal clique enumeration is performed using an algorithm such as MACE[Schütze et al., 2008].
By changing the threshold
, we can control the micro-clustering. If the threshold
is smaller, the each micro-cluster tends to be larger and if the threshold
is larger, each micro-cluster tends to be smaller.
The graph after micro-clustering adaptation (D) shows sub-topics of the first burst. Each micro-cluster is considered a sub-topic during the first burst of the target topic.
Time Series Visualization for the Specific Burst
Then we count the number of tweets of each micro-cluster over time (E) during the target burst.
In Figure 1 (E), the horizontal axis shows the time slots of the target burst, and the vertical axis shows the number of tweets of each micro-cluster that were posted at each time slot.
The threshold and
that were explained in Section 3.3 and 3.4 respectively control the granularity of micro-clusters.
The graph shows the sub-topic growth.
Through the visualization, we can understand the progress of the topic during the target burst, and infer the cause of the burst.
Experimental Result
We conducted the experiment with NYSOL Python [NYSOL Corporation, ], a library for big data. All the experiments were conducted on a MacBook Pro wiht a 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7 processor and 16GB of RAM.
Target Topic
Our target topic is the reaction to a controversy over a Japanese company’s childcare leave policy, which arose on Twitter in early June 2019. The following are the major events in the target topic:
- January, 2019: A woman gave birth
- March, 2019: Her husband took childcare leave
- April, 2019: The husband returned to work
- May, 2019: The husband’s company informed him that he would be transferred
- June 1, 2019: The wife tweeted a complaint about her husband’s transfer. Many Twitter users expressed their support for the woman and criticized the company.
- June 1, 2019: The company removed their web pages about childcare leave
- June 3, 2019: The company posted a press release arguing that the wife’s post was wrong, and attempting to justify their decision to transfer the man
- June 6, 2019: The company posted another press release attemping to justify their decision
Input Data and Morphological Analysis
We built a dataset by crawling tweets that included the company name “Kaneka” from 08:00:00 on May 29 to 00:29:59 on June 8, harvesting a total of 192,393 tweets. This dataset offers a significant document of users’ responses to the target topic. These tweets were grouped in 30-minute windows, producing a time series of 465 slots. Then we applied the morphological analysis technique to tweets in each time slot.
Count of Number of Tweets Over Time
Figure 2 shows the number of tweets harvested in each time slot. After the wife tweeted her complaints, the topic burst started. Then, several more bursts happened after the wife’s tweet. From the number of tweets posted, it is clear that the topic continued to attract attention on Twitter, but why? We use our method to analyze the burst. As the first step, we analyze the first burst (Burst1), which consists of 24,839 tweets posted during June 1 21:00:00 – June 2 18:59:59 (22 hours).
Graph Generation
In this experiment, we did not distinguish between tweets and retweets.
We conducted two sub-experiments with the parameter values shown in Table 1 to show how our method can extract micro-clusters with different granularities based on the thresholds and
, which are explained in Section 3.3 and 3.4 respectively.
To form a similarity graph, we set the Jaccard coefficient thresholds to
, with values derived from experimentation. The threshold
is stricter, and produces a clearer structure that consists of similar tweets, but it might miss semantically-similar tweets that express the same idea using slightly different wording. If we set the threshold
, we find too many tweet pairs that use a couple of the same words to express dissimilar ideas. Therefore, we empirically decided the thresholds
As the first step,
we formed the graphs based on the similarity of tweets in the Burst1 of Figure 2.
Table 1 shows the threshold parameters and the number of edges of Experiment_1 and Experiment_2. Namely, the number of edges for Experiment_1 (
) is larger than the number of edges for Experiment_2 (
Micro-Clustering using Data Polishing
Next, we use data polishing to form micro-clusters from the Burst1 of Figure 2.
We set the Jaccard coefficient threshold
through experimentation. Our tests showed that values
make little difference in the result. If we set a threshold
, the method creates micro-clusters that are too large; if we set a threshold
1 shows the parameters.
Data polishing increases the numbers of edges to 10,094,803 (Experiment_1) and 35,153,218 (Experiment_2) respectively. Finally, we performed maximal clique (M-Clique) enumeration. M-Clique enumeration produced 708 maximal cliques in Experiment_1 and 597 maximal cliques in Experiment_2. Since Experiment_2 has more edges than Experiment_1, the size of micro-clusters tends to be larger, while the number of M-Cliques became smaller.
Time Series Visualization on a Specific Burst
Next, we count the number of tweets in each micro-cluster during the target burst (E).
In Figure 3 and 4, the horizontal axis shows the time slots during Burst1, and the vertical axis shows the number of tweets posted at each time slot.
By adjusting the threshold and
, we can control the granularity of micro-clusters.
Figure 3 is more granular than Figure 4, because the threshold
is larger than
A larger threshold
creates edges between more similar tweets. Data polishing generates tighter micro-clusters. Therefore, the threshold
produces more clusters, which shows the progress of the target burst in more detail (Figure 3).
On the other hand, the threshold
produces fewer clusters, which shows less detail (Figure 4).
We extract major micro-clusters that have large number of tweets from Figure 3. From Figure 3, the top five micro-clusters are extracted(Figure 5). Each cluster shows a unique pattern of change over time. Micro-cluster #1 occurs at the beginning of the burst and gradually disappears. Micro-cluster #2 peaks during the early part of the burst. #3 is special: it suddenly occurs and gradually declines. #4 is the biggest one, and shows a typical burst. #5 is stable. It has almost the same number of tweets in the period.
Table 2 shows the major tweets of micro-clusters #1-#5 and a description of their contents. #1 consists of a debate over Kaneka’s authorization for childcare support by the Japanese Health and Welfare Ministry. This is a straightforward reaction to the wife’s tweet. #2 contains messages about the deletion of the company’s childcare leave page on the web. #3 discusses the deletion of the company’s childcare leave page, but also mentions the fact that a backup copy of the page could be found on another site. Obviously, users only showed interest in this topic once the copy was created. #4’s and #5’s tweets make up the majority of the burst. Both micro-clusters consist mainly of tweets criticizing the company’s decision. Figure 5 shows that #2, #3 and #4 are the cause of the burst of the larger overall topic.
Because Experiment_2’s threshold
is smaller than Experiment_1’s threshold
, the number of micro-clusters in Experiment_2 is smaller. Micro-clusters in Figure 4 are less granular. Table 3 shows more larger micro-clusters than Table 2.
From Figure 4, we also extract the top five micro-clusters.
In Figure 6, the biggest micro-cluster #1 consists of #1, #4, and #5 of Experiment_1. Thus, the biggest micro-cluster #1 in Figure 6 is the micro-cluster that includes tweets criticizing the company. #2 and #3 in Figure 6 are related to the deletion of the company’s childcare leave page. #4 and #5 micro-clusters in Figure 6 also contain criticism of Kaneka.
Even in Experiment_2, micro-clusters related to the deletion of Kaneka’s childcare leave page are still generated.
The deletion of childcare leave page is the most significant event in this burst.
For Burst2 and Burst3 in Figure 2, micro-clustering can be adopted as well (Figure 7). To analyze the micro-clusters in Figure 7, we detect the causes of the burst.
This paper proposed a visualization method for examining bursting Twitter topics based on micro-clustering.
The finer degree of detail offered by micro-clustering makes the differences between users’ reactions clearer by subdividing those reactions into subtopics. Evaluating micro-clusters over time allows us to identify the causes of a target burst topic.
In our future work, we intend to apply our method to different topics about a greater variety of events. We also plan to propose a model for detecting topic bursts in social media automatically.
This work was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 18K11443, 19K12125, 19H01133, 19J00871, and 17H00762.
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