Until 2009, Dr. Takako Hashimoto worked as a software researcher at Ricoh Co. Ltd. and IBLabs, and led the research and development of the “Personal Digest Generation System for Sports Videos” (1997-2005). The system generated personalized digests based on the context of sports games and the user’s preferences. As a technical leader, she worked on the commercialization of her research and realized the “Personal Digest Distribution Service in a Mobile Environment” (commercial service) in 2002. The service was the first mobile video distribution system in Japan in the digital broadcasting era, and was the most advanced and revolutionary at the time. During different stages of the project, from research to commercialization, she actively published papers both in Japan and abroad and produced many patents.
[1] Hashimoto, T. et al. (2003, January). Personal digest system for professional baseball programs in mobile environment, International Conference on Mobile Data Management (pp. 396-400). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
This paper presented a Personal Digest System as a high efficiency mobile system. Based on the original PDMS (Personal Digest Making Scheme), the system realized high-quality scene production, an efficient server-client system, and highly efficient reflections of user preferences, and was successfully commercialized. Dr. Hashimoto, as first author, led and managed all steps toward commercialization.
[2] Hashimoto, T. et al. (2009). Important scene analysis model using result importance and situation importance, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 3(4), 225-235.
This paper proposed the method that situational changes in a game’s progress could be presented as state transitions by devising an important scene analysis model that is a core technique for Personal Digest Distribution Service in a Mobile Environment. Dr. Hashimoto, as the first author, designed the proposed method and led the demonstration experiments.
Press Articles, etc.: